Campaigns & Conservation Projects

At any one time Friends of the Quantocks is busy with a handful of local issues and projects. We like to think we are the Quantocks watchdog on behalf of the public so we keep a close eye on local Councils and landowners and any matters that affect the Quantock Hills landscape, the wildlife and the public’s enjoyment of them. We undertake conservation projects of our own, sometimes contributing funding to others and we are proud to be lead partners in the Quantock Landscape Partnership Scheme.

The Quantock Landscape Partnership Scheme

 The Quantock Landscape Partnership Scheme

The Quantock Landscape Partnership Scheme (QLPS) is a portfolio of projects under special management which has funding of £2.6 million over 5 years. Initiated by the Quantock Hills National Landscape Office (formally AONB) with Friends of the Quantocks as partners from day one we have contributed ideas, volunteers, information, images, time, expertise and cash funding. The strong local input means that the QLPS attracts 79% cash funding from The National Lottery Heritage Fund.

It has been a great success, and will leave a lasting legacy for people to enjoy for years to come.