Hawkridge Reservoir Amphibian Patrol are always looking for new helpers of all ages.
Toads, and all other amphibians, cross to their breeding ponds from dusk when conditions are ideal, e.g., damp, and mild. Therefore, we patrol from dusk, for about 90 minutes, until most cars have passed and then allow the animals to cross in their own time for the rest of the night. Patrols typically run from the first mild/wet evening of the year (usually start/mid of Feb) through to when the clocks change (end of March).
We have an active WhatsApp group, during migration season, for those who want to join in. We use it as a place to arrange each night’s patrol and answer any questions patrollers may have.
You need minimal equipment for patrols, but we do recommend:
- Hi-Vis Jacket (mandatory)
- Bucket
- Torch (head torches keep hands free but hand torches have a better battery life, or you can use both)
- Warm clothes and be prepared for a few showers (that is what amphibians like) with waterproofs.
You can always contact [email protected] or join the Facebook group where we share photos and videos from our patrols.